Coming soon

Welcome to the World of States game blog, where you'll find all the latest information on the game's development.
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First real article to introduce the project very soon...
Welcome to the World of States game blog, where you'll find all the latest information on the game's development.
Game URL :
First real article to introduce the project very soon...
Merry Christmas to all our players! In this festive season, we'd like to thank you for your loyalty and passion throughout the year. We are pleased to close 2024 with an updated home page(member area). Manage your country The new interface allows players to better manage their
Hello everyone, The development of the game continues, part 1 of the security council is out, it is the basis to allow further developments (warnings, sanctions, ...), the article will talk about everything and not just the first part. Before, there wasn't much incentive to wage war on other
Hello everyone, It's been a long time since the last article, from now on I'll be posting news more often because there is some. A new update is out, the intelligence services, the possibilities will be very numerous, from espionage to propaganda to assassinations. The idea
Hello everyone, Game development continues as usual, with lots of things happening under the hood. The in-game economy is an important aspect, and there will be a rebalancing analysis phase later on. For now, we're going to introduce a new in-game item, electricity. What's new? -players