Game map, raw materials and importance for trade and strategy

Hello everyone,

This is the first in a series of articles presenting the game's mechanics, from the world map to the economy, war and trade...

This first article is about the map - there's already so much to say!

Don't forget that the game is still in the testing phase, so some information is bound to evolve over time.

Map organization

The world map is divided into continents and regions. Players choose their main region when they join the game, and can later expand their country beyond its historical borders. All real life continents will be available, each one divided in regions, for example America and will be divided in North, Center, South and carrribean.

Resources and terrains

Each region has its own set of raw materials, some rarer than others. Titanium, for example, is rarer than iron, and the availability of resources influences the buildings that can be built in the region.

This forces players to choose their starting region carefully, but also to participate in trade, as it's impossible to reach a certain level of economic development in total autarky.

Resources: iron, coal, aluminum, tungsten, titanium, oil, gas, ...

Food and building materials are always available regardless of the region unless other resources.

In addition to resources, each region has land that will offer bonuses for the production of food or building materials.

Terrains: forest, quarry, mountain, lake, ...

Trade and war

Another important element to think about is the notion of distance: trading with a distant country will naturally be more expensive due to transportation costs, while supplying an army on the other side of the world will be financially costly for your country's budget. These elements all add depth to the game, inviting players to think strategically and make balanced decisions to succeed.

Next articles

The next two articles in this series will deal respectively with economics and trade, and military management.